Functions of a Personal Injury Lawyer

Functions of a Personal Injury Lawyer

Being a personal injury lawyer is an exciting, rewarding career. The job requires a great deal of skill, but it also provides you with the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others. If you enjoy helping people and have some legal knowledge, becoming a personal injury lawyer may be right for you! In this post, we will discuss some of the duties and functions of a personal injury lawyer. We’ll start by providing background information on what this type of attorney does and why it’s important for society as well as their clients. Next up, we’ll cover common duties performed by those working within this field before wrapping things up with tips on how to become one yourself!

Provide legal advice to clients

A personal injury lawyer is not your friend. They are not your therapist, nor should they tell you what to do with your life. A good personal injury lawyer will listen to what the client wants and then advise them on how best to achieve those goals in light of all available options. A lawyer’s role in a case is different from that of an investigator or private investigator (PI). The PI may find evidence that helps the case, but it is up to the attorney whether or not this information gets used in court at all and how much weight it carries if it does get used.

Prepare and file lawsuits

In a personal injury lawsuit, your lawyer will prepare and file the lawsuit in court. The next step is serving the defendant with notice of your legal claim. This is called “service of process”, and it’s an important part of every lawsuit because it allows a party to participate in court proceedings. The person who serves this notice must be 18 years old or older and cannot have any financial interest in either side of the case. If you want to serve papers yourself, your state may require that you go through training beforehand so you know what to do properly (and safely). Service may be carried out by mail or hand delivery; if someone else does this for you, make sure they sign an affidavit stating that they served all required documents on time!

Negotiate settlement

When you’re injured in a car accident, slip and fall or otherwise suffer a personal injury at the hands of another party, your lawyer will negotiate with the other side to try to get you compensation for medical bills, lost wages and other damages.

Prepare and file lawsuits: If negotiations fail or if you’ve decided not to settle out of court (which happens often), your lawyer will file suit against those responsible for causing your injuries. This can include filing an action against more than one defendant (such as when more than one driver is involved in an accident) or even suing multiple parties simultaneously under the “joint tortfeasors” doctrine if there were multiple parties who contributed to causing your injuries. Appear in court during trials: If it goes that far meaning all efforts at negotiation have failed, then it’s time for trial! Your attorney will appear on behalf of their client(s) during these proceedings where evidence from both sides are presented before deciding who wins based on what happened leading up until now.

One of the most important duties of a personal injury lawyer is to make appearances in court during trials. In this capacity, your attorney will argue the facts of your case and present evidence to support those facts. The personal injury lawyer must also be able to argue the law that applies to your case and defend against any objections made by opposing counsel.

Perform a variety of tasks when acting

Personal injury lawyers are called upon to perform a variety of tasks when acting as an advocate for their clients. These duties include:

  • Providing legal advice to clients
  • Preparing and filing lawsuits and other court documents
  • Negotiating settlement offers and gathering evidence for trials (e.g., medical records, police reports)
  • Making appearances in court during trials

Personal Injury lawyers will also serve as liaisons between clients and insurance companies during negotiations.


Personal injury lawyers are called upon to perform a variety of tasks when acting as an advocate for their clients. They must be able to provide legal advice, prepare and file lawsuits and other court documents, negotiate settlement offers with opposing counsels, make appearances in court during trials, and serve as liaisons between clients and insurance companies during negotiations. These duties can be challenging but rewarding for those who have the right skill set and mindset.
